haih tomorrow ill be going to Bangkok.hrm.dunno what to feel,takut pun ade jugak:/ just doa je la evrythg would be fine,hrm,and ntah la im going fr a week.so seminggu lah i wont be contncting evryone here,makin jauh lah lgi:( but what happend ade hikmah x nk lah knangkan lagi,hrm.moving on.and hopefully ade yusra dgn ain ni siapkan at least portfolio math and stdy math and as well as worl Lit sket,aku sgt berazam nk stdy kat sane.seminggu kut.haih.bazir mcmtu je:( and kene arrange lagi appoinment blek Bangkok ramai sgt nk jumpe:P haha.mcm aku dah x blek rumah dah.and for that need money.HAHA.borosnya la aku ni.waaa:( hrm.x pe lah.nnti insaf lah sket.hrm.act been thinking of nk tules pasal Pulau Berhala but no time.so nnti nntilah:) btw i know evryone will be missing me:P but kejap je okay?:) i"ll be back.but doakan lah ill be safe there:)
byebye people,LOVE YA!<3