hyeeee:) dah lame xpost anythg kan?:) i never know ade jugak org follow blog yg boring ni.anyway x ksah la:) act i wanna talk about my new life,hee.ive started wearing hijab fr a month ago and im happy that so far i never thought of nk bukak blek:) hee,its a bless for me,ntah la bfre ni slalu rase belah bgi dilemma,but now dh x,alhamdulillah:) i really hope its permanent.aku thu bile aku pakai tdung nnti org igt aku dh totaly baek alim ke ape,but all i can say people change bit by bit.dnt expect much.aku berubah ikut hati.x de spe pakse,ye ade lah mama ade ckp suke aku pakai tdung,but she didnt froce me,bfre ni aku ckp aku nk pakai tdung then bile aku x pakai,means free hair blek,org ckp aku ckp kosong.haih.bkan senang.some people dpt hidayah tu cpt je,tp aku bersyukur la aku dpt kesedaran tu skrg,ibadat and other stuffs yg aku buat bfre ni,aku sdang cube improvekan,benda x elok aku tggallkan,tp mcm aku kate lah bkan senang,but somehow im proud of myself:) ye lah,dah besar kan,x sangka dah 19:) so kene la matured jugak.hehe.hrm.and one more thing i really love fashion skrg.asyik shopping je aku,mmg parah la,haih:( kenape la boros sgt ni dania:( hrm.now aku tgh saving lagi.fr what?tuk shopping jugak!haha.biarlha jnji aku happy:P hrm,tp botak lah kan,hehe,mama dah bebel dah kte berlagak mcm org kaye,hehe,sorry mama!cnt help it.hee.oh just got bck from pula berhala,nnti i"ll post abput my experience kat stu:) till here!byeee
About Me
Friday, May 27, 2011
hyeeee:) dah lame xpost anythg kan?:) i never know ade jugak org follow blog yg boring ni.anyway x ksah la:) act i wanna talk about my new life,hee.ive started wearing hijab fr a month ago and im happy that so far i never thought of nk bukak blek:) hee,its a bless for me,ntah la bfre ni slalu rase belah bgi dilemma,but now dh x,alhamdulillah:) i really hope its permanent.aku thu bile aku pakai tdung nnti org igt aku dh totaly baek alim ke ape,but all i can say people change bit by bit.dnt expect much.aku berubah ikut hati.x de spe pakse,ye ade lah mama ade ckp suke aku pakai tdung,but she didnt froce me,bfre ni aku ckp aku nk pakai tdung then bile aku x pakai,means free hair blek,org ckp aku ckp kosong.haih.bkan senang.some people dpt hidayah tu cpt je,tp aku bersyukur la aku dpt kesedaran tu skrg,ibadat and other stuffs yg aku buat bfre ni,aku sdang cube improvekan,benda x elok aku tggallkan,tp mcm aku kate lah bkan senang,but somehow im proud of myself:) ye lah,dah besar kan,x sangka dah 19:) so kene la matured jugak.hehe.hrm.and one more thing i really love fashion skrg.asyik shopping je aku,mmg parah la,haih:( kenape la boros sgt ni dania:( hrm.now aku tgh saving lagi.fr what?tuk shopping jugak!haha.biarlha jnji aku happy:P hrm,tp botak lah kan,hehe,mama dah bebel dah kte berlagak mcm org kaye,hehe,sorry mama!cnt help it.hee.oh just got bck from pula berhala,nnti i"ll post abput my experience kat stu:) till here!byeee
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