peliharalah hati hamba mu ini:(
tiba tiba rasa rindu nak free hair baik:( tengok folder gamba lama suddenly terfikir macam tu.rasa macam nak je post pic lama2 dekat sini tapi hmm sini bukannya private sangat pun orang boleh tengok so,hmm lupakan je lah niat:')
besar betul dugaan berada di jalan ini kan?:)
semoga Allah memberkati laluku.AMIN<3
About Me
Thursday, June 30, 2011
tiba tiba rasa susah nak teruskan hidup.for those yang baca about my life surely korang cakap asl lah aku ni asyik bersedih je kan.but the fact is memang pun hmm at one point when i laugh too much,it means that im trying to hide my true feeling:) thats the thing i learn for the past few years. smile and keep laughing eventhough only you know the pain, tapi tipulah if aku langsung tak pernah sedih in front of the public kalau dah macamtu means emotion dah tak boleh kawal.i did cry few times but if its the only way to feel much more relieved then nak buat macamana.one thing yang aku belajar,appreciate your lifelah okay people:) value every single thing and dont take for grated dont keep complaining about your life eventhough i did so:) hmm entah la i wish i could have the gut to make my own decision to actually be brave and feel confidence with whatever thing i do. and its really hard when sometimes your memory keeps following you,and you try to erase them bit by bit for the sake of everyone's happiness:') dah nak masuk 3 bulan and insyaAllah evrything will be fine. lagipun God's willing tahun depan masuklah aku belajar in medical field.doakan aku ye;) mane2 belajar pun sama janji niat nak tolong orang.InsyaAllah dipermudahkan:) and entah bila dah 19 tahun ni hehe bajet dah besar dah tak nak flirt flirt dah.its time to find someone who can be our future husband:P haha okay ni dah menggedik i mean not now lah people! meaning if i want to really get into relationship,insyaAllah i'll preserve and take good care of the relationship,dah tak nak main main.well thats just my wish:) we dont know what life have offered kan.so move on:)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
tak tahu nak cakap macamana.hmm tapi bukan nak berlagak bukan nak menunjuk i just wanna share what i feel.jujurnya i feel so lonely i mean hidup without boyfriend ni hmm ye lah dulu nak dekat one year i have someone to depend on kan sekarang tak lagi:') tapi ada hikmah yang aku dapat.aku started to fall in love with Him:) satu perkara yang buat aku jadi tenang and berani menempuh hari hari mendatang.it sounds weird kan bila dania yang cakap pasal agama ni,but to get through this journey of life,aku mula yakin dan percaya seratus peratus bahawa semuanya atas kehendak-Nya.and the best way is to mengadu to Him:) entahlah susah nak cakap rasanya tapi rasa tu manis and indah lah.selama ni bila ada masalah i always cried and ended dengan tidur tapi betapa kurangnya kita ingat dekat Tuhan:( sedihnya aku hmm tapi sekarang aku tak rasa sakit sangat sebab i know i have Him beside me:)betapa banyak ayat ayat indahnya yang boleh mententeramkan hati:') walaupun aku agak terlambat dapat rasa kenikmatan tu tapi aku bersyukur Allah masih sayangkan aku dan tak pernah lupa akan aku.everything has been planned by Him.and aku redha dengan segala galanya yang ditakdirkan:)
Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan:')
Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan:')
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HEYYY!now tengah dalam kelas mostly semua frust menangis pergi tandas and burst:)alhamdulillah aku dah let go semua semalam penat nangis so today i can say that im much better boleh terima hakikat.hidup umpama roda kan?you wont be forever on the top.mesti ada hikmah.sekarang ni macam turning point dalam kehidupan where semua rasa macam patah hati sangat. bukan salahkan sesiapa, but we know we've been struggling that hard kan sekali result came out mcm lagi worst:( but sokay:) aku pernah jugak rasa down macm ni dulu i eventhough the pain sekarang ni mcm lagi hebat but at least i know im not alone. time ni lah bila kite sedar we really need our friends' support:) and thnks to everyone especially mommy abi along achik and not to frget trah for being my side time sedih ni. and of course mama,thnks for understanding me:) i know u were quite dissapointed,but ma,i'll prove to you that i will succeed in the future:) InsyaAllah:) and Allah takkan turunkan ujian dekat kita if Dia tahu kita tak mampu:) and most important thing is that Allah tengok usaha bukan kejayaan kita:) yakinlah disebalik kesedihan pasti ada penawarnya:)

sekarang semua pasrah dengan result exam.apetah lagi aku:/ haih baru call mama tadi,sorry mama:( along dah buat the best.sorry to dissapoint mama papa,tapi tak pelah aku dah belajar terima hakikat.mane2 blajar pun same je:) yang penting dapat belajar and become i wanna be, sedih bila dengar mama cakap dont think about what others said yang penting you do it for our family.besarnya responsibility aku:( hrm,do it for our family and most important for ur ownselves if we you wanna change ur life:)
still recoveringgg:)
Allah selalu memberi pelangi disetiap badai, Senyum di setiap air mata, berkah disetiap cobaan & jawaban di setiap doa
may tomorrow be a better day:)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
few days passed tapi hati aku still macam ni,tak tenteram.still rasa takut and im not ready for this sem:( not even at all,ntah lah.im not this strong, nak cerita dekat kawan kawan kat situ.sume face the same thing.its just aku tak boleh.slame ni sume bnda aku yakin aku boleh get through but this IB thingy memang boleh buat aku menangis.:( and lame lame bila fikir,is it really what i want? am i ready enough nak get through sume ni? entah la selama ni laluan hidup aku sume straight i mean memang science then get through books then jawab exam then entah.the same thing yang sampaikan i dont know what i really want actually.tapi yang aku tahu i really wanna make my parents proud of me.aku nak tolong dorang.tu je,they've been sacrificed too much for me.for both of you,im willing to take the risk and sacrifice my own feeling just to make you guys be proud of me:)
Saturday, June 18, 2011

hello!erk.okay memang nak menggedik pun gamba atas ni but who cares?ive been thinking so much recently.lebih lebih lagi about this MPI thingy.and im a bit terasa mcm nak cakap smething pasal that tutup aurat thingy.few pictures yang jadi examples tu macam condemn orang.what do u expect? people change bit by bit.kalau nak suruh orang terus pakai mcmtu,tutup and labuhkan tudung macamtu terus for me its not fair.yes i didnt say that they are wrong.tapi gunalah pendekatan yang lagi baik.semua orang x perfect.yang penting teh first thing jagalah rambut kan.for the starter like me.tu yang penting.im quite piss off for those yang pakai tudung but then few occasions bukak.tu bukan pakai namenya.i do look up to fashion bila dah berhijab ni,but i try to not dedahkan rambut esp. if nak pakai tudung just suka2 then baik x payah.and im sorry if my post is a abit harsh but just janganlah buat macamtu.back to pasal that event.kita tak tahu apa niat and hati orang.and sure dorang sedih if they know that their pictures are being used for examples.after all we are just a normal human being.perubahan perlukan masa.but apa yang baik i still grab those knowlegde,thanks:)
Friday, June 10, 2011
hehe.ntah tetibe rasa nak upload gamba si kembar ni.hehe.mcm best ade kembarkan?hehe.nnti saya nak anak kembar ye ye wahai future husbandku(haha.ntah sape lah kan:p) hehe,okay dah tu mcm gatal.no lah actually i wanna share about my experience having cultural exchange.but not in a good mood.later later la.hrm,actually i have so many thing to write but i guess lets just keep it to myself.hehe.or else i have to find shoulders to cry on.hehe.tunggu tunggu lah bila saya ade extra creds:) hee.hrm.okaylah.last words.CAN I JUST GO DIE?-.-
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
and when i start ignoring someone.thats the time where i dont need and feel you any longer.being alone isnt that bad.im trying to not easily fall in love again.after all love need commitment sacrifice and the biggest part is to let you heart being hurt again.guess i have to start thinking of being FOREVER LONER-.-
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
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