HEYYY!now tengah dalam kelas mostly semua frust menangis pergi tandas and burst:)alhamdulillah aku dah let go semua semalam penat nangis so today i can say that im much better boleh terima hakikat.hidup umpama roda kan?you wont be forever on the top.mesti ada hikmah.sekarang ni macam turning point dalam kehidupan where semua rasa macam patah hati sangat. bukan salahkan sesiapa, but we know we've been struggling that hard kan sekali result came out mcm lagi worst:( but sokay:) aku pernah jugak rasa down macm ni dulu i eventhough the pain sekarang ni mcm lagi hebat but at least i know im not alone. time ni lah bila kite sedar we really need our friends' support:) and thnks to everyone especially mommy abi along achik and not to frget trah for being my side time sedih ni. and of course mama,thnks for understanding me:) i know u were quite dissapointed,but ma,i'll prove to you that i will succeed in the future:) InsyaAllah:) and Allah takkan turunkan ujian dekat kita if Dia tahu kita tak mampu:) and most important thing is that Allah tengok usaha bukan kejayaan kita:) yakinlah disebalik kesedihan pasti ada penawarnya:)
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