few days passed tapi hati aku still macam ni,tak tenteram.still rasa takut and im not ready for this sem:( not even at all,ntah lah.im not this strong, nak cerita dekat kawan kawan kat situ.sume face the same thing.its just aku tak boleh.slame ni sume bnda aku yakin aku boleh get through but this IB thingy memang boleh buat aku menangis.:( and lame lame bila fikir,is it really what i want? am i ready enough nak get through sume ni? entah la selama ni laluan hidup aku sume straight i mean memang science then get through books then jawab exam then entah.the same thing yang sampaikan i dont know what i really want actually.tapi yang aku tahu i really wanna make my parents proud of me.aku nak tolong dorang.tu je,they've been sacrificed too much for me.for both of you,im willing to take the risk and sacrifice my own feeling just to make you guys be proud of me:)
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