i guess im giving up and that's it:')
i hope this is the best decision i ever made.its hurt when u really love someone yet he doesnt appreciate u.and i believe letting u go is the best right now.if really meant for each other,by what mean pun,we'll still be together:)
may god bless you.and for you,this is the first time i didnt hate people when i let them go.its because i let you go sincerely and i know its the best for you and for me.i guess.dont worry.my pray will always be with you:)
lots of love,
About Me
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
bla bla bla
is it my fault if i treat other guy oneday ?is it my fault if i turn to the other guy and ignore u oneday?is it my fault if i change my feeling towards you?is it my fault to let it happened?just so you know if that day happens,i wont regret a single thing because im pretty sure it's not my fault.u may say that yeah its all your fault,but the fact is it is really your fault,i wont look at you and say that it's my fault too.because ive sacrificed a lot for us.only i know wht im dealing with.i dont believe im as this right now.as loyal as nobody would think of.but if my sacrifices are'nt being appreciated by you,i guess other guy should deserve it.i repeat if one day it happened.i dont ask for it.but somehow people have their own limit kan?so do i:)
dont say that i didnt remind u because i guess ive told u so many times:)
sometimes when a couple break up,that's doesnt mean that either the guy or the girl found anther one,its because one of them doesnt appreciate his/her partner well:)
dont say that i didnt remind u because i guess ive told u so many times:)
sometimes when a couple break up,that's doesnt mean that either the guy or the girl found anther one,its because one of them doesnt appreciate his/her partner well:)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
izzat only:)
haih.i dont know why suddenly terase lonely pulak ni.semua sbb si nayzu ni x balek2 lagi.cpt lah balek.dah lapar dah ni:)
and after ni nak siapkan presentation agama and 2 lab reports yg im not sure btul ke x.HAHAH
okay enough with it,that's not my main point actually.
the big big reason is because i started to miss you:(
eventhough baru tadi jumpa kan.but tu lah kan.i seriously hate the part when i have to say goodbye to u.act i thgt there would be no drama for this tyme.but seem like u are so clever kan.ade jugak idea bernas u.HAHA.good boy baby:)
i just nk ckp thnks for giving me a second chance and be so patient that somehow i just couldnt imagine how can u be so cool eventhough wht i did to u was so terrible.but yeah.thats what made u so special to me:)
last week was the toughest week for us kan?paling byk bergaduh since last 2 months.yeah ive said to u befre kan i suke gaduh.but when dah makin syg u.no i mean gila sayang u i couldnt bare to keep on fighting lagi.i rase x larat nk gaduh dgn u.so the best way skarang is we have to really give and take.ill try my best to jaga hati you,and i hope ure doing the same thing. i can say ive sacrificed much i mean a lot when i be with you.and i hope its a worth for me to stay with you:)
i didnt regret of being with you,not even a bit,because i know and i can feel ure the right person for me:)
and after ni nak siapkan presentation agama and 2 lab reports yg im not sure btul ke x.HAHAH
okay enough with it,that's not my main point actually.
the big big reason is because i started to miss you:(
eventhough baru tadi jumpa kan.but tu lah kan.i seriously hate the part when i have to say goodbye to u.act i thgt there would be no drama for this tyme.but seem like u are so clever kan.ade jugak idea bernas u.HAHA.good boy baby:)
i just nk ckp thnks for giving me a second chance and be so patient that somehow i just couldnt imagine how can u be so cool eventhough wht i did to u was so terrible.but yeah.thats what made u so special to me:)
last week was the toughest week for us kan?paling byk bergaduh since last 2 months.yeah ive said to u befre kan i suke gaduh.but when dah makin syg u.no i mean gila sayang u i couldnt bare to keep on fighting lagi.i rase x larat nk gaduh dgn u.so the best way skarang is we have to really give and take.ill try my best to jaga hati you,and i hope ure doing the same thing. i can say ive sacrificed much i mean a lot when i be with you.and i hope its a worth for me to stay with you:)
i didnt regret of being with you,not even a bit,because i know and i can feel ure the right person for me:)
im back!
okay.now and onwards,ill be blogging back:)
why?because my other half asked me to do so,so since dah ade request.ade lah smgt balek nk blogging,and fyi,i didnt ask people to read pun wht i tules dalm blog ni.its just the place for me to express my feeling towards anythg,*someone*:)
and okay now to u BABY,dah boleh start jd my secret follower lah since u dont have blog kan:)
why?because my other half asked me to do so,so since dah ade request.ade lah smgt balek nk blogging,and fyi,i didnt ask people to read pun wht i tules dalm blog ni.its just the place for me to express my feeling towards anythg,*someone*:)
and okay now to u BABY,dah boleh start jd my secret follower lah since u dont have blog kan:)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
*pinky swear*haha
okay it seem like lama gila i x blogging kan?yeah.sbb life getting bored wth all the social network stuffs,but nak buat apa lgi kan besides facebooking.i guess masuk blaja nnti i will sgt2 jarang online.enoough wth people dlm maya ni.ahha.hrm.okay.snce ramai pun yg dah beralih ke tmblr and stuffs sume,i jst lgi suke read about people's life je kan:)okay,actually i nak tules something.i mean if He really read this,yeah its for you.tu pun if u still stalk i lagilah.idk.mybe,mybe:D.actually i didnt expect kita terserempak oh.seriously.why u have to like x knl i?okay i know its totally my fault.but listen here,u are not my bf okay?so there's no such thing as i dump u or stuffs,u should know wht u did to me bfre u ckp anythg about me.u nak i listkan?okay x payah la kan,but u tahu how u treat me,and i cannot stand when theres rumours ckp i playgirl.WHO THE HELL IN THIS WORLD yg ckp i mcmtu?bg i prove dulu.then i puas.bodoh tahu.dah la yg bgthu tu ur ex.damn gila.and u rasa i deserve those layanan la kan?and fyi,im not that cheap okay?i bukan senang2 la nak buat apa yg u suruh.bodoh i tahu if i buat;)okay.bck to that part,u borak2 dgn trah padahal i ada kat sblah?u rasa i sket hati la eh?no,not at all.i just rasa klaka je,hrm.whatever pun.i hope that u happy wth ur new life.college and stuffs,eventhough u x nk kawan dgn i,i still doakan u.i mean i really sayang and kesian person like u terbiar mcm tu.lantaklah u nak kata i simpati dkt u ke apa.but i really mean it:)
u crilah wht's the best for you,and im sorry for the things ive done to you:)
u crilah wht's the best for you,and im sorry for the things ive done to you:)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
a long time ago
specially for Mr AJ
entry kata ni its about a guy yang aku rasa mcm dah x tahan dah.haha.
so rasa mcm nk tulis pasal dia.ahaha
tp sah2 la u x baca pun kan.so lagi bgus.haha
okay,listen.frst and foremost,obv u tahu kan i tolak u.i mean common la.
i bukan nk jadi bini org lagi la.u pun tahu i ni bru 18.x sampai pun lgi.
u tu dah nak masuk 25.thnk rationally lah sket cik abg.
since the day i pg gym and u train me i just anggap u mcm abg i je
seriously.ye lah kan i don have brothers,so mmg terasa la u mcm abg i.
like baik and i rasa cmfort ada dlm gym tu:)
but somehow bila u text me and stuff mntak couple,its kinda weird.bru 2 hari knl nk further relation.haish.so notla kan.x masuk akal.org GILA je terima u tahu x?
but then its been a long time u didnt text me or even tgur i dkat gym
so i guess uve found smone else lah kan.x pun tersngakut kat minah jongang yang sexy tu kan.menggedik sana sini.haha.i pun igt okaylah.dah x payah nk fikir pasal u lagi kan.but bila membership i dah expired and i dah x dtg gym.story ni dtg balek.ADUH!
masalah lagi.u igt i apa?igt u boleh dapat i la dgn mintak tolong my cousin tu.u igt diaorg boleh tlong.common la.kita ni kalau berjalan mcm abg dgn adik tahu.haha
nk mintak kluar berdua je jgn harap la i nak.takut aku.ahha.u pls la.u x nmpk ke the way i treat u.u boleh cri ramai lagi permpuan.u dah la kaya u have evrythg.tp jgnlah sbb tu u igt u senang2 boleh dptkan i.u crilah perempuan tuk buat bini skrg,but obv its not me.satu gym tu dah taw.i x kan pg stu lagi lah kan.NOW AND FOREVER,i still anggap u mcm abang i:)
so rasa mcm nk tulis pasal dia.ahaha
tp sah2 la u x baca pun kan.so lagi bgus.haha
okay,listen.frst and foremost,obv u tahu kan i tolak u.i mean common la.
i bukan nk jadi bini org lagi la.u pun tahu i ni bru 18.x sampai pun lgi.
u tu dah nak masuk 25.thnk rationally lah sket cik abg.
since the day i pg gym and u train me i just anggap u mcm abg i je
seriously.ye lah kan i don have brothers,so mmg terasa la u mcm abg i.
like baik and i rasa cmfort ada dlm gym tu:)
but somehow bila u text me and stuff mntak couple,its kinda weird.bru 2 hari knl nk further relation.haish.so notla kan.x masuk akal.org GILA je terima u tahu x?
but then its been a long time u didnt text me or even tgur i dkat gym
so i guess uve found smone else lah kan.x pun tersngakut kat minah jongang yang sexy tu kan.menggedik sana sini.haha.i pun igt okaylah.dah x payah nk fikir pasal u lagi kan.but bila membership i dah expired and i dah x dtg gym.story ni dtg balek.ADUH!
masalah lagi.u igt i apa?igt u boleh dapat i la dgn mintak tolong my cousin tu.u igt diaorg boleh tlong.common la.kita ni kalau berjalan mcm abg dgn adik tahu.haha
nk mintak kluar berdua je jgn harap la i nak.takut aku.ahha.u pls la.u x nmpk ke the way i treat u.u boleh cri ramai lagi permpuan.u dah la kaya u have evrythg.tp jgnlah sbb tu u igt u senang2 boleh dptkan i.u crilah perempuan tuk buat bini skrg,but obv its not me.satu gym tu dah taw.i x kan pg stu lagi lah kan.NOW AND FOREVER,i still anggap u mcm abang i:)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
aku tahu aku x pakai tudung,
i know im not a good muslimah.but aku x lah jahil
aku x lah bodoh agama sgt.jadi jangan judge aku only sbb aku x pakai tdung
kau ckp aku sexy?er.aku rasa aku x lah sexy pun.x de la aku pakai skirt ke apa ke?
baju sleeveless mcm tu je mmg x la.
tp apasl kau ckp aku sexy,kalau kau x suka,x payah pandang.
aku x mntak pun.bila kau ckp mcm tu.aku terima nasihat bila kau suruh aku pakai tudung,
aku dgr kan.tp bila dah mcm laen je bunyi kau aku bengang la.
aku tahu la weh.aku dah ckp byk kali dkat kau kan.
and if x nk kawan or malu kawan dgn aku just ckp la.aku x heran la hilang kau.
so kau igt kau baek sgt la flirt sana sini?
aku yg dengar pun meloyakan kut.dah ah kau crita dkat kaum sejenis yg kau maenkan.
apa2 ah.dah elok2 aku kawan ngn kau.kau buat hal kan.
mmg x la akunk berbaik dgn kau blik.and aku terima la sorry kau yg berapa byk tu
tp nak kawan balik dgn kau aku pikir lah beratus kali,kalau kau rasa kau bagus sgt.kau doakan la aku pakai tudung.bukan dgn cara apa yg kau buat dkat aku.paksa2.aku tahu la,aku x BODOH!dan aku harap kau x payah la nk cntct aku lgi eh sbb aku dah x heran.aku dah x peduli la.so bye
i know im not a good muslimah.but aku x lah jahil
aku x lah bodoh agama sgt.jadi jangan judge aku only sbb aku x pakai tdung
kau ckp aku sexy?er.aku rasa aku x lah sexy pun.x de la aku pakai skirt ke apa ke?
baju sleeveless mcm tu je mmg x la.
tp apasl kau ckp aku sexy,kalau kau x suka,x payah pandang.
aku x mntak pun.bila kau ckp mcm tu.aku terima nasihat bila kau suruh aku pakai tudung,
aku dgr kan.tp bila dah mcm laen je bunyi kau aku bengang la.
aku tahu la weh.aku dah ckp byk kali dkat kau kan.
and if x nk kawan or malu kawan dgn aku just ckp la.aku x heran la hilang kau.
so kau igt kau baek sgt la flirt sana sini?
aku yg dengar pun meloyakan kut.dah ah kau crita dkat kaum sejenis yg kau maenkan.
apa2 ah.dah elok2 aku kawan ngn kau.kau buat hal kan.
mmg x la akunk berbaik dgn kau blik.and aku terima la sorry kau yg berapa byk tu
tp nak kawan balik dgn kau aku pikir lah beratus kali,kalau kau rasa kau bagus sgt.kau doakan la aku pakai tudung.bukan dgn cara apa yg kau buat dkat aku.paksa2.aku tahu la,aku x BODOH!dan aku harap kau x payah la nk cntct aku lgi eh sbb aku dah x heran.aku dah x peduli la.so bye
i feel like expressing something.but im not sure about what
the fight between aku dgn mak aku buat aku tak tenang.
haish.aku dah mintak maaf okay?now dah okay dah.
but yeah lately kita selalu gaduh.idk why.
apa x kena dgn aku?tp theres part of her advice yg buat aku terfikir beribu kali.
betul ke at the end,aku xkan ada sesiapa?btul ke evryone would leave me?
and should i say no to "hye" because somehow it will lead to a goodbye?
aku jadi takut.aku jadi fobia.aku jadi takut untuk nak tahu masa depan.
and apa adik aku ckp semua btul.aku pun x percaya betapa jahatnya aku,angkuhnya aku di mata mereka.aku jadi lalai leka,aku x patut buat semua tu.
they miss the old "along":(but wht's wrong with the along yg skrg?
aku jadi buntu.fikiran aku x tenteram.aku rasa mcm nk humban diri dalam laut so that evryone x rasa susah lagi dgn aku.aku x tahu apa perasaan aku skrg.im totally blind.
bila my mum ckp we only have each other aku jadi sgt sayu.i know its perit.
we dont have anybody except family yg always be there kan?they are so kind,they appreciate us:)so,ive realized no matter beribu kawan yg ada pun.at the end,they will leave me,for that aku kena build the wall dlm diri to not crying or regreting anythg when thgs macmni happened.ive also made a promise to not fall in love so easy because i dont want to get hurt.all this while,aku terlampau senang fall in love that sometimes mereka sgt senang memijak.so from now onwards,u will see a new DANIA,apa yg orang nampak x semesti sama dgn apa dalam hati aku.so lantak lah apa kau orang nk ckp sbb aku tahu siapa diri aku.and aku rasa aku dah mula belajar untuk menjadi keras hati:)its bad but somehow its good.being dania is not easy.haha.
poyo lah pulak.banyak responsiblity but sometimes aku yang terlepas pandang.hrm.so u guys yang baca ni.i know blog aku banyak cerita pasal kesedihan and stuffs,tp only dkat sni la aku dpt luahkan apa yg aku rasa sejujurnya,thnkk for whom yang concern:)
the fight between aku dgn mak aku buat aku tak tenang.
haish.aku dah mintak maaf okay?now dah okay dah.
but yeah lately kita selalu gaduh.idk why.
apa x kena dgn aku?tp theres part of her advice yg buat aku terfikir beribu kali.
betul ke at the end,aku xkan ada sesiapa?btul ke evryone would leave me?
and should i say no to "hye" because somehow it will lead to a goodbye?
aku jadi takut.aku jadi fobia.aku jadi takut untuk nak tahu masa depan.
and apa adik aku ckp semua btul.aku pun x percaya betapa jahatnya aku,angkuhnya aku di mata mereka.aku jadi lalai leka,aku x patut buat semua tu.
they miss the old "along":(but wht's wrong with the along yg skrg?
aku jadi buntu.fikiran aku x tenteram.aku rasa mcm nk humban diri dalam laut so that evryone x rasa susah lagi dgn aku.aku x tahu apa perasaan aku skrg.im totally blind.
bila my mum ckp we only have each other aku jadi sgt sayu.i know its perit.
we dont have anybody except family yg always be there kan?they are so kind,they appreciate us:)so,ive realized no matter beribu kawan yg ada pun.at the end,they will leave me,for that aku kena build the wall dlm diri to not crying or regreting anythg when thgs macmni happened.ive also made a promise to not fall in love so easy because i dont want to get hurt.all this while,aku terlampau senang fall in love that sometimes mereka sgt senang memijak.so from now onwards,u will see a new DANIA,apa yg orang nampak x semesti sama dgn apa dalam hati aku.so lantak lah apa kau orang nk ckp sbb aku tahu siapa diri aku.and aku rasa aku dah mula belajar untuk menjadi keras hati:)its bad but somehow its good.being dania is not easy.haha.
poyo lah pulak.banyak responsiblity but sometimes aku yang terlepas pandang.hrm.so u guys yang baca ni.i know blog aku banyak cerita pasal kesedihan and stuffs,tp only dkat sni la aku dpt luahkan apa yg aku rasa sejujurnya,thnkk for whom yang concern:)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
do i have made the right choice for me?
do i really want that kind of life?
am i willing to sacrife my entire life?
am i strong enough to deal with all those things?
now im a little bit confused,shesh.
unfortunately,there's no turning back.
God knows the best.just follow the flow
i hope i can find the way:(
do i really want that kind of life?
am i willing to sacrife my entire life?
am i strong enough to deal with all those things?
now im a little bit confused,shesh.
unfortunately,there's no turning back.
God knows the best.just follow the flow
i hope i can find the way:(
ahaha.weh2,apasal lama dah aku x dengar cerita pasl u.
ahha.ye la kan since dah ada new gf ni mcm biskut terus,
hilang tanpa khabar berita.haha.
well it's okay,i guess mmg friendship kita end up mcm ni pun
u're the one who was so coward,sumpa x penah jumpa org macm u.haha
plus.dgn sikap u yg annoying gla babs.haha.sakit hati je en.ahha.
well.u and ur life,and so do i.so.till we meet again oneday:)
before i menutup mata nk lah jugak jumpa u kan?:P
ahha.ye la kan since dah ada new gf ni mcm biskut terus,
hilang tanpa khabar berita.haha.
well it's okay,i guess mmg friendship kita end up mcm ni pun
u're the one who was so coward,sumpa x penah jumpa org macm u.haha
plus.dgn sikap u yg annoying gla babs.haha.sakit hati je en.ahha.
well.u and ur life,and so do i.so.till we meet again oneday:)
before i menutup mata nk lah jugak jumpa u kan?:P
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
just four of us:)
since its my blog.so i have the right to write anything i want.
i dont ask u guys to read because at the end of the day there's nothg u can do:)
hrm.until when we have to live up this way?until when that we have to be patient?
do we have to wait for the next 10 years?or maybe it's the destiny that we have to really accept?well i know no one can answer me.only God have the answer:)
so as long im still alive ive decided to just wait and see:)
i dont ask u guys to read because at the end of the day there's nothg u can do:)
hrm.until when we have to live up this way?until when that we have to be patient?
do we have to wait for the next 10 years?or maybe it's the destiny that we have to really accept?well i know no one can answer me.only God have the answer:)
so as long im still alive ive decided to just wait and see:)
Monday, April 12, 2010
nayzu gedik!

tada!okayh.since dia ni kan mcm request suruh i letak dkat blog ni.so i post kan la about this hot babe!er,haa.maken lama aku tgk kau makin hot doe.ahha.serious.aku jujur:)
hrm.okay.she's one of my bestie.she helps me a lot la,so i know like time school dulu.we cannot work out together kan?hee.i pun thgt that the frenship that we build will end up but it seem that kita boleh bertahan until now.so im grateful to have a friend like you:)im serious.when theres noone to listen to all my problems and craps.like sapa la nk dgr aku membebel mengumpat dan menggedik.but u are always there,thnks babe:)kau byk pegang rahsia aku,and pls simpan ketat2 taw.haha
well,pape pun i hope that bila kau dah beranak cucu pun,keep updating story pasal diri kau dkat aku lah ye:)
and i really hope u will get a boyfie as soon.i'll pray fr that:P
lastly.iloveyousomuch.duh.dah mcm lesbo pulak aku.hahah
si comel:)

haha.okay.now i would like to introduce my new baby.ahha."baby" ni because he sleeps very early oh.ahha,but snce dia knal i,dia dah pandai tdo lambat.ahha.so pity him la kan:P
nak introduce nama ke?no la kan.figure it out la sndri.i mlas nk amik gamba laen so i letak je la gmba shisha u ni okay?ahha.err.since u jd follower i yg x sah,so i nak post la pasal u kali ni.ahha.well.THANKS,i was like sgt terharu oh.haa.i didn't expect u to kluar to just beli topup share dgn i.duh no one had ever did to me bfre:P
so mmg i igt u smpai mati ouh.haa.hiperbolanya i.tp this is sincerely from my heart taw:)hrm.don't worry i wont cll u "gila" sbb nnti u x nk share lgi dgn i.haha.hrm.well,lgi stu?dia ni sgt melayan crite2 i yg merepek and x logik.haha.well.lst night i didn't dream bout the baby.ni semua salah you la.sedih je i:(bila la i boleh jumpa dia lgi.u STOLE him ouh.haha.er.okay again i dah merepek:)
lastly i just wanna say its nice to know someone like you:)
im done!
okay!thnx God.the interview was over.seriously mcm x percaya
and i can say the quests were quiet tough:)
but alhamdulillah i managed to answer the quests eventough soalan mcm tricky gla:(
but pape pun dah lepas.i just hope i cn get the scholar:)
hrm.the rest of u yg blum lgi.i can say u guys can do it.insyaallah:)
its all depends on ur answer.:)
hee.okay done with the interview part!
hrm.while waiting fr the reslt.hush.nak buat apa,
haish.boringnya.seem like i kena go through another lifeless month.
x sukanya.:(
feel like nak kerja.tp sni mcm fuck gla nak cri kerja.
i dah fed up.my mum sruh keja dkat KFC or McD.
eww.tanak la.jdi kuli je.haha
hbes tangan nnti.haha.
err.tgk la.mcm rasa waste je tahun ni.nk dkat bulan half year but i got nothg to do.:(
hrm.takan la keja shopping je.haha.
mcm anak raja pulak rasa.:)
hrm.whatever pun.i thnx God for everythg i got:)
and i can say the quests were quiet tough:)
but alhamdulillah i managed to answer the quests eventough soalan mcm tricky gla:(
but pape pun dah lepas.i just hope i cn get the scholar:)
hrm.the rest of u yg blum lgi.i can say u guys can do it.insyaallah:)
its all depends on ur answer.:)
hee.okay done with the interview part!
hrm.while waiting fr the reslt.hush.nak buat apa,
haish.boringnya.seem like i kena go through another lifeless month.
x sukanya.:(
feel like nak kerja.tp sni mcm fuck gla nak cri kerja.
i dah fed up.my mum sruh keja dkat KFC or McD.
eww.tanak la.jdi kuli je.haha
hbes tangan nnti.haha.
err.tgk la.mcm rasa waste je tahun ni.nk dkat bulan half year but i got nothg to do.:(
hrm.takan la keja shopping je.haha.
mcm anak raja pulak rasa.:)
hrm.whatever pun.i thnx God for everythg i got:)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
why?why u x buang i lg?y i still ade kat your topfriend?
i mean i'm the only girl there.why,pls tell me:(
i mean i'm the only girl there.why,pls tell me:(
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
urgh.why ths weekend be the toughest one among the rest:(
thursday: spm result will be announced:(
friday : i'll be having my jpj test:(
sunday: birthday party risya:)
i feel like killing myself,seriously:)
thursday: spm result will be announced:(
friday : i'll be having my jpj test:(
sunday: birthday party risya:)
i feel like killing myself,seriously:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
tick tock!
okay2.enough ah nk bunyi tick tock dentam dentum ke.
but time dah x boleh stop kan.
in not less than 40 hours je result will be announced
ouch!takut glaa.boleh shaking satu badan,
11 march.date yg mmg x kan dilupakan even bila dah beranak cucu pun.
haih.hopefully,i dapat result with flying colours.
urgh please lah.tyme pmr dulu pun rase nk tercabut lutut tgk name
ni pulak spm yg org ckap so-called penentu masa hadapan.
well fr me.its just the beginning pun.
if x dpat,doesn't mean that its the ned of the world.
so,aha,ni actually saje nk sedapkan hati je.hahaha.
so to all spm leavers 2009:)
i wish that we all will pass with flying colours and get excellent result okay?:)
to orion,we had done our best so whatever result kluar pun.i still love u guys:)
but time dah x boleh stop kan.
in not less than 40 hours je result will be announced
ouch!takut glaa.boleh shaking satu badan,
11 march.date yg mmg x kan dilupakan even bila dah beranak cucu pun.
haih.hopefully,i dapat result with flying colours.
urgh please lah.tyme pmr dulu pun rase nk tercabut lutut tgk name
ni pulak spm yg org ckap so-called penentu masa hadapan.
well fr me.its just the beginning pun.
if x dpat,doesn't mean that its the ned of the world.
so,aha,ni actually saje nk sedapkan hati je.hahaha.
so to all spm leavers 2009:)
i wish that we all will pass with flying colours and get excellent result okay?:)
to orion,we had done our best so whatever result kluar pun.i still love u guys:)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
It's always the same in every relationship, there is always one person crying and wishing to get back together, while the other doesn't even remember the things they've been through. I hate that I have to be the one who remembers every little detail while you can't seem to remember me at all.
p/s:maaf,post2 seterusnya akan byak diisi dgn quotes:)
im healing myself probably:)
sudden attack!
there come to a point where u don't care anymore to what people think or say about you.
because why?its ur life,not them
u dont have the right to change me
hate me and leave me?i don't give a damn pun
i know whats good or bad fr me okay
we are not perfect.i know what's my weakness.
but i'll chnge when im ready.im not bad:)
haha.i mean i don't kill people.i don't take drug alcohol.
just pls don't force me.my chracter change according to my appearance
when im in baju kurung,x kan lah aku nk tnjuk yg aku ni free hair pulak kan?:)
so deal with it okay?btw thnx fr whom yg advice ke ape ape lah
thnx fr ur concern.i do appreciate:)
and and and urgh.malas lah nak tules evntgh dalam hati ni rase nk sumpah seranah orang!
tdo lah dulu:)
because why?its ur life,not them
u dont have the right to change me
hate me and leave me?i don't give a damn pun
i know whats good or bad fr me okay
we are not perfect.i know what's my weakness.
but i'll chnge when im ready.im not bad:)
haha.i mean i don't kill people.i don't take drug alcohol.
just pls don't force me.my chracter change according to my appearance
when im in baju kurung,x kan lah aku nk tnjuk yg aku ni free hair pulak kan?:)
so deal with it okay?btw thnx fr whom yg advice ke ape ape lah
thnx fr ur concern.i do appreciate:)
and and and urgh.malas lah nak tules evntgh dalam hati ni rase nk sumpah seranah orang!
tdo lah dulu:)
tuan tuan dan puan puan,
starting from today and onwards,aku dah mati.
aku ulangi aku dah mati
there's no point lagi dah.
ignore aku,faham?sebab aku dah mati,
jiwa aku dah kosong,jasad aku dah melayang.
jangan tanya sbb aku cakap aku dah mati.
i'll go away.i really hope.
aku xkan menyusahkan lagi,forgive me for wht ive done.
sesungguhnya its true wht u have said.
x payah simpan lagi aku ni.x berguna pun.
and from now,dania inarah dah x da:)
i really hope i'll rest in peace:)
starting from today and onwards,aku dah mati.
aku ulangi aku dah mati
there's no point lagi dah.
ignore aku,faham?sebab aku dah mati,
jiwa aku dah kosong,jasad aku dah melayang.
jangan tanya sbb aku cakap aku dah mati.
i'll go away.i really hope.
aku xkan menyusahkan lagi,forgive me for wht ive done.
sesungguhnya its true wht u have said.
x payah simpan lagi aku ni.x berguna pun.
and from now,dania inarah dah x da:)
i really hope i'll rest in peace:)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
oh yeah.the latest post rase mcm nk tules pasal friendship:)
hee.i guess evryone needs friends.
even i pun.i mean best frens.
they are the one yg boleh dgr evry problem yg u ade.
ahha.x kesah lah even i merepek dah tahap melampau2 pun.
they are still there to listen.to hear my problems.to make me laugh back.
yes.igt senang ke nk cri kawan yg really honest dgn kite.
if u all bace ni.tolong2 lah terasa eh.ahaha.
i mean a good terasa ahh:)hrm.i mean sometimes x de boyfren pun x pe.
janji ade bff yg always be beside u:)
knkn?haha.tp kan mcmane lah nnti life dkat U kan.
evryone busy dgn study masing2.sure terkejar sane terkejar sni
haih.like mase pg eng camp harituh.sume orang jalan sorang2 je.
haih.x sunyi ke ha?haha.
ahh.pape lah kan.lambt lagi kut:)
ade lah lagi 3 bulan lagi.
so malas ah nk pkir:)
haih.serious takut esok.hopefully i'll pass the jpj test:(
hee.i guess evryone needs friends.
even i pun.i mean best frens.
they are the one yg boleh dgr evry problem yg u ade.
ahha.x kesah lah even i merepek dah tahap melampau2 pun.
they are still there to listen.to hear my problems.to make me laugh back.
yes.igt senang ke nk cri kawan yg really honest dgn kite.
if u all bace ni.tolong2 lah terasa eh.ahaha.
i mean a good terasa ahh:)hrm.i mean sometimes x de boyfren pun x pe.
janji ade bff yg always be beside u:)
knkn?haha.tp kan mcmane lah nnti life dkat U kan.
evryone busy dgn study masing2.sure terkejar sane terkejar sni
haih.like mase pg eng camp harituh.sume orang jalan sorang2 je.
haih.x sunyi ke ha?haha.
ahh.pape lah kan.lambt lagi kut:)
ade lah lagi 3 bulan lagi.
so malas ah nk pkir:)
haih.serious takut esok.hopefully i'll pass the jpj test:(
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
hee.now forget about the sad part.
because now im enjoying every single moment of my life.
i mean yeah after all the shit that happen.
i just couldn't believe i can frget about u in just about 2 days.
i thgt it would be difficult,but fortunately its just a miracle.
i found someone,i mean a guy that bring back wht i've left befre.
he's not my boyfie pun,but he treats me well.
and i realize that a "boyfie-girlf" realtionship makes someone hurt badly.
so i decided not to have it right now.
fr the sake of i dn't want to get hurt in the futre:)
i realize that befre ths i terlampau syg him that evrythg that he did
i just took it.i simpan dlm hati.sabar and continue the relationship.
but thn smpai ble kan?so when he ingnored me and officially mntak break mase our anniversary,so i thgt it would be the end:)
no need to say lah yg u love me or wht because its so bullshit taw x?haha
and if u ckp u nak kte still keep in touch?hbes slama ni yg u ignre i.ade u cntct i?
ahha.nmpk fake gle kan?haha.pape lah u.:)
yes,i cried badly.some of my friends asked me.
do i sedih sebab kena dump or sbb love him?
i guess because i syg die:)i hpe u cn find someone better dr i
and please learn how to treat a girl.
jgn lah kejar awl2 and then u just ignre her just like wht u did to me.
but now, i have no regret about that.
well.S,may u have the best life:)
because now im enjoying every single moment of my life.
i mean yeah after all the shit that happen.
i just couldn't believe i can frget about u in just about 2 days.
i thgt it would be difficult,but fortunately its just a miracle.
i found someone,i mean a guy that bring back wht i've left befre.
he's not my boyfie pun,but he treats me well.
and i realize that a "boyfie-girlf" realtionship makes someone hurt badly.
so i decided not to have it right now.
fr the sake of i dn't want to get hurt in the futre:)
i realize that befre ths i terlampau syg him that evrythg that he did
i just took it.i simpan dlm hati.sabar and continue the relationship.
but thn smpai ble kan?so when he ingnored me and officially mntak break mase our anniversary,so i thgt it would be the end:)
no need to say lah yg u love me or wht because its so bullshit taw x?haha
and if u ckp u nak kte still keep in touch?hbes slama ni yg u ignre i.ade u cntct i?
ahha.nmpk fake gle kan?haha.pape lah u.:)
yes,i cried badly.some of my friends asked me.
do i sedih sebab kena dump or sbb love him?
i guess because i syg die:)i hpe u cn find someone better dr i
and please learn how to treat a girl.
jgn lah kejar awl2 and then u just ignre her just like wht u did to me.
but now, i have no regret about that.
well.S,may u have the best life:)
Monday, March 1, 2010
i become tougher each day:)
and i really hope i can forget evrythg between us:)
u don't know how suffer am i,
ur promise really made me sick.i swear!
just live ur life!be happy!
i hope u learn how to appreciate girls more because obviously u don't know how to treat girls the way it should:)
now,i'll just look forward and never turn back:)
and i really hope i can forget evrythg between us:)
u don't know how suffer am i,
ur promise really made me sick.i swear!
just live ur life!be happy!
i hope u learn how to appreciate girls more because obviously u don't know how to treat girls the way it should:)
now,i'll just look forward and never turn back:)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
this is the tough moment fr me
while i'm wrting ths my tears keep rolling down
but it's okay
tht's a life.i never thought this would be the end.
i mean after all u did,i x sangke u berubah macam ni.
why?ape salah i?
i syg u.tp u buat i mcm ni.
bru i rase sketnya broke up.mybe ade hikmah behind what had happen.
i believe it.i should continue my life.
move on dania.its not the end of the world.
now.i should learn how to frgt u.and learn to accept the fact.
i see my future,i should move on.
i don't need a boyfie ryte now or maybe forever.:)
while i'm wrting ths my tears keep rolling down
but it's okay
tht's a life.i never thought this would be the end.
i mean after all u did,i x sangke u berubah macam ni.
why?ape salah i?
i syg u.tp u buat i mcm ni.
bru i rase sketnya broke up.mybe ade hikmah behind what had happen.
i believe it.i should continue my life.
move on dania.its not the end of the world.
now.i should learn how to frgt u.and learn to accept the fact.
i see my future,i should move on.
i don't need a boyfie ryte now or maybe forever.:)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
oh man.im so in dilemma ryte now.
whether i should just let u go or just keep holding on.
ive tried but sometimes it didn't work out.
im not stupid.im not blind.so please show me somethng.
somethg clear so that i cn understnad clearly whts going on.
ive closed my heart for all guys.its just fr u.
u don't know wht am i dealing wth.
just tell me if u have someone.
at least.i can heal myself now.i can change my mind.set it up back.
and go on wth my life.
so pls.don't let me find my own way:)
whether i should just let u go or just keep holding on.
ive tried but sometimes it didn't work out.
im not stupid.im not blind.so please show me somethng.
somethg clear so that i cn understnad clearly whts going on.
ive closed my heart for all guys.its just fr u.
u don't know wht am i dealing wth.
just tell me if u have someone.
at least.i can heal myself now.i can change my mind.set it up back.
and go on wth my life.
so pls.don't let me find my own way:)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
now im making money through internet.
well actually i just started doing it:)
when ive got the income i'll tell u how:)
*blinkblink*hopefully i can be a millionaire.aha
well actually i just started doing it:)
when ive got the income i'll tell u how:)
*blinkblink*hopefully i can be a millionaire.aha
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
haha.suddenly rase mcm nk tulis somethng about last night.
hrm.after all.lame dah x borak about secret2 thngs dgn papa
so last night i did.
thts the only way pun nk dpt extra pocket
so i talked about somethg personal with him.
and haa.he's so open minded.i feel comfortable talking to him.
i confessed to him that i have a BOYFRIEND:)
and he seem like sengih2.and give me some advice.
haha.and pling best mntak permission blek lmbt sket bcause it seem i cannot tolerate much dgn my mum.so kene gune kuasa VETO lah kan mintk dkat papa.
and after my mum came.we stopped talking about that.
after all i thnk talking with father is much easier.
the most important part that i like is that "Along dah besar kan.u've already 18.i understand.whatever pun take care of yourself"
haha.fr me.it sounds unbelievable bcause my mum always think that im just a little kid and blablabla.
so yeah.it gives me some confidence when my dad said it:)
hrm.pnjng lagi cnversationnya.but malas lah nk tulis
whatever pun.my mission ACCOMPLISHED:)
hrm.after all.lame dah x borak about secret2 thngs dgn papa
so last night i did.
thts the only way pun nk dpt extra pocket
so i talked about somethg personal with him.
and haa.he's so open minded.i feel comfortable talking to him.
i confessed to him that i have a BOYFRIEND:)
and he seem like sengih2.and give me some advice.
haha.and pling best mntak permission blek lmbt sket bcause it seem i cannot tolerate much dgn my mum.so kene gune kuasa VETO lah kan mintk dkat papa.
and after my mum came.we stopped talking about that.
after all i thnk talking with father is much easier.
the most important part that i like is that "Along dah besar kan.u've already 18.i understand.whatever pun take care of yourself"
haha.fr me.it sounds unbelievable bcause my mum always think that im just a little kid and blablabla.
so yeah.it gives me some confidence when my dad said it:)
hrm.pnjng lagi cnversationnya.but malas lah nk tulis
whatever pun.my mission ACCOMPLISHED:)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
urgh.last night had been the worst ever.
i dreamt of something.i mean someone
he died.and im scared.
yes.and out of sudden,i'd cried
thats the best part.no wonder he had been so nice to me lately,
i wonder is it a sign or what.
i hope its not.im not ready.
neither do all of us.pls dont go.
and i hope i wont dream of him tonight.
i want to REST IN PEACE.
i dreamt of something.i mean someone
he died.and im scared.
yes.and out of sudden,i'd cried
thats the best part.no wonder he had been so nice to me lately,
i wonder is it a sign or what.
i hope its not.im not ready.
neither do all of us.pls dont go.
and i hope i wont dream of him tonight.
i want to REST IN PEACE.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
ryte now whn im writing.
its just so confusing.
i want to protect the other but at the same time i have to hurt the other one's feeling.
im so sorry.u should be in my place
im a sister.i have my own problems.
please understand.diri sendiri pun aku x mampu nak tolong.
ni kan nak tolong jaga kau orang.
faham lah.if anythg happen to her,
aku yang kena.aku x nk tanggung lagi satu beban if anythg jd dekat die.
kau pun dah besar.tolong lah tolong aku.
u dah besar.i thgt u cn thnk rationally.
ive enough.jiwa kacau.hati resah.
u should have understand.
i thgt i can count at least skit dgn kau.so pls
what ive said to u just now
im so sorry.i didn't mean.
but somehow pls respect me as ur sister.
bile mama x de.i yang kene take the responsibilty.
tolonglah respect aku.
kau nk buat ape2 kat aku.go ahead.kau nk bunuh aku pun aku x kesah
life's nothng fr me skrg.
but pls don't hurt her.tu je.
even aku pun bengang dgn perangai die.but pls ble mama x de.
jgnlah buat hal.
nk gaduh gaduh dgn aku je.
aku pun sakit.kau tahu x?
sakit jiwa hati.pls help me to get through ths.
i guess kau pun nmpk betapa tertekan nya aku skrg.
kalau mata die jadi pape.kau nk tanggung?
kau nk tanggung rase bersalah tu?
kau nk?aku x sanggup.its just a book.kalau pun kau x suke membazir dan syang buku tu.
aku bayar balek.dun wry lah.
jgn samekan harga seorang adik dgn stu buku.
kau dah besar.kau patut faham.
i dont know nk luah dekat sape.
im writing ths just to calm my self down
dgn ditambah dgn masalah hidup yg x penah berkesudahan
susahkan bile orang questioned when u want to chnge.
lebih2 lagi ble org yg paling rapat dgn u.
it makes me feel more down.lgi kurang percaya dgn diri sendiri.
im having that prob.one of them.
i feel lonely.useless.
theres a part of me that doesnt belong to me anymore.
im dying.i want to have all those memories again.
i want to smile like before again.
laughing and do what i want.
its the last thing i do bile i cnnot cntrol myself,
now im feeling much better.at least 1% is enough for me.
im healing myself:)
pray for me.
its just so confusing.
i want to protect the other but at the same time i have to hurt the other one's feeling.
im so sorry.u should be in my place
im a sister.i have my own problems.
please understand.diri sendiri pun aku x mampu nak tolong.
ni kan nak tolong jaga kau orang.
faham lah.if anythg happen to her,
aku yang kena.aku x nk tanggung lagi satu beban if anythg jd dekat die.
kau pun dah besar.tolong lah tolong aku.
u dah besar.i thgt u cn thnk rationally.
ive enough.jiwa kacau.hati resah.
u should have understand.
i thgt i can count at least skit dgn kau.so pls
what ive said to u just now
im so sorry.i didn't mean.
but somehow pls respect me as ur sister.
bile mama x de.i yang kene take the responsibilty.
tolonglah respect aku.
kau nk buat ape2 kat aku.go ahead.kau nk bunuh aku pun aku x kesah
life's nothng fr me skrg.
but pls don't hurt her.tu je.
even aku pun bengang dgn perangai die.but pls ble mama x de.
jgnlah buat hal.
nk gaduh gaduh dgn aku je.
aku pun sakit.kau tahu x?
sakit jiwa hati.pls help me to get through ths.
i guess kau pun nmpk betapa tertekan nya aku skrg.
kalau mata die jadi pape.kau nk tanggung?
kau nk tanggung rase bersalah tu?
kau nk?aku x sanggup.its just a book.kalau pun kau x suke membazir dan syang buku tu.
aku bayar balek.dun wry lah.
jgn samekan harga seorang adik dgn stu buku.
kau dah besar.kau patut faham.
i dont know nk luah dekat sape.
im writing ths just to calm my self down
dgn ditambah dgn masalah hidup yg x penah berkesudahan
susahkan bile orang questioned when u want to chnge.
lebih2 lagi ble org yg paling rapat dgn u.
it makes me feel more down.lgi kurang percaya dgn diri sendiri.
im having that prob.one of them.
i feel lonely.useless.
theres a part of me that doesnt belong to me anymore.
im dying.i want to have all those memories again.
i want to smile like before again.
laughing and do what i want.
its the last thing i do bile i cnnot cntrol myself,
now im feeling much better.at least 1% is enough for me.
im healing myself:)
pray for me.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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